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失恋 巧克力(失恋巧克力职人学到了什么)

发布时间:2024-01-18 15:12:08 中文翻译 873次 作者:翻译网
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  As any woman who's been left heartbroken will testify, comfort eating is all too easy. Now scientists have established a reason for the behaviour。   就象任何一个心碎的女人所证明的,她们很容易陷入无节制饮食的状态。现在科学们找到了这种行为背后的原因。   Jilted woman have a higher tendency to turn to wine and chocolate because their bodies are trying to compensate for an addiction to love。   失恋的女人很容易沉迷于酒精和巧克力,因为她们的身体试图补偿失去的爱情。   New research published today linked rejection in romance to brain activity associated with addiction cravings。   最近的研究将恋爱中的被拒绝与沉迷性的大脑活动联系起来。   It showed that primitive instincts to do with motivation and survival are activiated when people are reminded of their lost relationships。   研究显示,当人们被提醒到自己失去的感情时,与动机和求生相关联的原始本能会被激发。   By linking specific areas of the brain to romantic rejection the research provides insight into the anguished feelings that can accompany a break-up, as well as the extreme behaviours that can occur as a result, such as stalking, murder and suicide   通过将大脑的特定区域和感情受挫折联系起来,这项研究提供了对着恋人分手产生的痛苦感受的深入了解,同时也更加了解了伴随产生的跟踪,谋杀和自杀等极端行为。

失恋 巧克力(失恋巧克力职人学到了什么)