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发布时间:2023-12-23 11:57:18 中文翻译 659次 作者:翻译网
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Husbands hoping to bring a little more romance to their marriage should perhaps not bother investing in chocolates, flowers or restaurant meals. The real key to a woman's affection is helping with the housework, a survey suggests.   According to Daily Mail on July 8, half of women said they would be more impressed if their partner did the ironing than if he arranged a weekend away or a candlelit dinner. Taking the rubbish out was revealed to be another winning tactic, as was doing the washing up.   Psychologist Cary Cooper, a professor at the University of Lancaster, said: "This shows that quite a lot of women still think that men don't pull their weight at home. Many women are still working the double shift, doing the household chores and also having a career, whereas men still have a working role primarily. What women obviously want to see now is men taking more of a domestic role."   "I don't think romance is dead though – it will always be there at the start of a new relationship. However, modern men are clearly missing a trick – if they take a little more time to help out their partners with the ironing they will reap the rewards in the long run and earn a lot of brownie points." Cooper said.   结婚以后妻子们对玫瑰花、巧克力、烛光晚餐这些东西越来越没感觉,想让她们感到幸福?办法很简单———帮助她们分担家务。   据英国《每日邮报》8日报道,在半数以上的已婚妇女眼中,老公如果能抽空给她们熨衣服,要比共赴烛光晚餐更让她们感动。同样的道理,把垃圾拎到门外、洗一下碗碟等小事也会让妻子的心怦然而动。   兰卡斯特大学心理学专家库伯教授说,这种现象之所以存在,是因为很多女性认为自己的伴侣没有充分履行家庭义务。越来越多的女性既主内、又主外。但是大多数男性仅仅主外。她们希望男人们能多承担些家务,而不是回家以后什么都不管。   库伯说,浪漫不会随着婚姻的开始而走向消亡,21世纪的男性不能死守陈旧的家庭观念,而是应该在家庭中扮演更积极的角色,这才是维持婚姻长久的秘诀。         
