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发布时间:2023-12-10 18:57:33 中文翻译 339次 作者:翻译网
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  Get off that couch and begin the more productive life you should be living.   别赖在沙发上了,做事变得高效一点吧,那才是应该过的生活。   Step 1: You're Not Lazy   The word "lazy" is a condemnation. It's shameful. It's not you.   1.其实你并不懒   懒是个贬义词。懒是可耻的。但这个词不是用来形容你的。   Step 2: Illness   If your energy level is low for months on end, get checked out by a doctor. It could be depression or illness. Make sure you're ok before moving on to step 3.   2.检查一下自己是不是病了   如果你连续几个月来都精神萎靡不振的话,去让医生做个检查吧。你可能患上了抑郁症或者其他的疾病。在进入步骤3之前,确保自己是健康的。   Step 3: Plan   Write down what you want to get done - in order of importance - and put it on a daily schedule.   3.制定一个生活计划   把自己想要做的事情写下来-按照重要性排序-并把它加到日程表中去。   Step 4: Find Your Groove   Experiment with your life. Try working at different times of day and in different locations. Maybe you need background music to keep you focused or a snack or nap at a specific time.   4.找到自己的最佳状态   在生活中多做些尝试,尝试在不同的时间和不同的地点工作。也许,你需要听听音乐来帮助你集中注意力,或者到了某个时候,你需要吃些东西或小憩一会儿。   Step 5: Set That Alarm   Studies show people who get up early and show up on time are happier and more productive. And eat a good breakfast. Healthful eating increases energy. So does exercise.   5.定上闹钟,早起!   有研究表明,早起并准时上班的人心情更愉快,工作更高效。还有,早餐要吃好哦!健康的饮食和体育锻炼都能让你变得更加精力充沛。
