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霍金 外星(霍金曾表示-外星人的存在合乎逻辑)

发布时间:2023-12-18 06:56:36 中文翻译 276次 作者:翻译网
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  The physicist Stephen Hawking has designed what he believes to be what extra-terrestial creatures might look like this weekend。   The creatures were conceived with hostile extra-terrestial environments in mind, including planets colder than -150C, salty oceans underneath layers of ice and giant gas planets with no solid ground。   Included in the hypothetical menagerie are herbivores that suck up their food using large, vacuum-like snouts, reptilian gliders with venomous stingers and multi-legged beasts with enough fur to allow them to cope with the -150C cold。   The quadriplegic British scientist, forced to communicate through an electronic voice synthesiser, became the world's best known physicist for his work in quantum cosmology, the Big Bang theory and black holes research。   物理学家史蒂芬-霍金最近向世人展示他想象中的外太空生物的具体形态。   霍金设想这些生物生存的外太空环境十分恶劣。有的星球气温低于零下150摄氏度。一望无际的海洋被层层坚冰覆盖。还有的星球充满气体、没有陆地。   在霍金的宇宙中,生活着一种食草动物。它们能利用吸尘器般的巨型嘴巴从岩石的缝隙中吸食食物。还存在长着毒刺的爬行动物和活在零下150度的多腿长毛兽。   英国科学家霍金四肢瘫痪,必须通过电子语言合成器与人交流。他的量子宇宙学,大爆炸理论和黑洞研究为世人所知。

霍金 外星(霍金曾表示-外星人的存在合乎逻辑)