今年是十一五的最后一年,也是实现节能减排目标的决战之年。在决胜的关键时刻,5月5日,国务院召开全国节能减排工作电视电话会议,发布确保实现十一五节能减排目标的通知。下面我们就来看看这次会议透露出的节能减排关键词。 iron hand 铁的手腕 In a nationwide video and teleconference, Wen told governments at all levels to work with an "iron hand" to eliminate inefficient enterprises. 在全国电视电话工作会议上,温家宝总理告诉各级政府,要用铁的手腕治理低效企业。 outdated capacity 落后产能 More efforts were needed to reduce use of outdated capacity and curb new projects in industries with overcapacity, he said. 温家宝表示,应进一步淘汰落后产能,限制产能过剩工业的新项目上马。 high-energy-consuming and high-emission industries 两高项目 Wen called for stricter control over high-energy-consuming and high-emission industries. 温家宝呼吁,要对两高项目(高耗能、高排放)采取更严厉限制措施。 ecological compensation 生态补偿 The statement also said China will promote ecological compensation - a market-based mechanism to balance economic development with nature conservation - and draft regulations in the sector. 通知还提到,中国将推进生态补偿机制,并制定相应规则。以市场为基础的生态补偿机制可以平衡经济发展与自然保护的关系。 use of energy per unit of GDP 单位GDP能耗 Over the past four years, the use of energy per unit of GDP has fallen by 14.38 percent. 在过去四年中,单位GDP能耗已经下降了14.38%。 energy-saving lamps 节能灯 The government will further promote energy-saving lamps and intensify efforts to lift energy efficiency in steel, power, non-ferrous, and other high-energy-consuming sectors, Wen said. 温家宝指出,政府将进一步推广节能灯,加强在钢铁、电力、有色金属、以及其他高能耗行业的节能措施。 differential power pricing 差别电价 Eleven speakers suggested that differential power pricing is "a must" and asked the government to put it into action "as soon as possible". 11位发言人建议,实施差别电价很有必要,政府应尽快实施。 resource tax reform 资源税改革 The reform should both expand the resource tax base to include materials that have not been taxed before and switch to a tariff that charges per unit instead of a tax based on monetary value. 改革既应扩大资源税的征收基础,涵盖之前未征收的资源,还应改变征收方式,从按照币值征收转变为按照计量单位征收。