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发布时间:2023-12-07 11:56:29 中文翻译 903次 作者:翻译网
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  Visit Iceland and you'll enter a whole new realm of experience. You'll discover original nature as you've never seen it before, and the equally original people for whom timeless nature, ancient heritage and modern lifestyle coexist in harmony. The freedom to roam in the city or the wilds as you please is the key to the Iceland experience.   Reykiavík, the capital of Iceland, is just a part of the Icelandic experience with its midnight sun or the magical landscapes forged by ice and fire. Reykiavík has a population of around 170,000 and offers an interesting mix of cosmopolitan culture and local village roots.   Old accounts say the ancient gods themselves guided Iceland's first settler to make his home in Reykiavík. He named the place Reykjavík (steamy Bay) after the geothermal steam he saw, which today heats homes and outdoor swimming pools throughout the city, a pollution-free energy source that leaves the air outstandingly fresh, clean and clear.   A beautiful river runs through the city limits, and so do fine parks and even wild outdoor areas. In the outskirts are places for horse trekking and golf. But against this backdrop of nature, Reykiavík has a packed program of familiar city joys too: art museums, several theaters, an opera house, a symphony orchestra and concerts spanning the whole spectrum of age and taste.   One must for all visitors is dining out on Icelandic specialties, including delicious seafood, ocean-fresh from the morning's catch, highland lamb and unusual varieties of game. Its purely natural food imaginatively served to delight the most discerning of diners. Reykiavík is also renowned as one of Europe's hottest nightspots, where the action on the friendly pub and nightlife scene lasts right through the night. In the evening, the downtown area teems with activity, reaching its peak on Friday or Saturday. The number of pubs, cafe, discos, and other night-spots in the downtown area is astonishing. There is a rich variety of places to go: European-style cafes, nightclubs with live entertainment, dance halls for seniors, sports-theme pubs with big TV screens, cafes that offer over 100 types of beer, an Irish pub, a Spanish cafe, a French wine bar ...   Walking distances are short downtown, and everything worth seeing outside the city center can be quickly and conveniently reached by bus. With its long, easy-going main street and large shopping mall, Iceland's capital is a great place to shop too -- with a bonus of tax-free shopping for visitors! Be on the lookout not just for souvenirs (especially woolens and handicrafts) but also for stylish consumer goods and designer labels at competitive prices.   A full range of accommodations is available in Reykiavík, from international-standard hotels with good conference facilities, through smaller hotels and cozy guesthouses, to a campsite in the city's biggest park.   来到冰岛你会体验到一种全新的感觉:因从未谋面你会发现这里的自然风光纤尘未染,特点鲜明;而这里的居民也颇具个性地将自然、传统文化和现代的生活方式融洽地柔和在一起。随意地畅游于城市或乡野之间的这份自由正是冰岛特色的核心部分。   雷克雅未克是冰岛的首府,夜半不落的太阳或冰与火交织而成的神奇景观成为冰岛特色的一部分。雷克雅未克大约有人口17万,是大都市文化与地方乡村特色的有趣结合。   据说古代众神曾亲自引导冰岛的第一个定居者,在雷克雅未克安家。这个人根据看到的地热现象,将此地命名为雷克雅未克(冒热气的海湾)。今天全城的居家取暖和室外游泳池的供热均来自地热,这种无污染的能源为雷克雅未克带来了极其清新、洁净和透明的空气。   一条美丽的河流贯穿整个城区,城市中遍布各式精致、秀美的公园,甚至还有大片的户外野生环境。在城郊地区还设有马上旅行和高尔夫活动场所。除自然风光外,雷克雅未克还有众多为人熟知的城市文化:美术馆、戏剧院、歌剧院、交响乐团和音乐会馆,可满足不同年龄和品位的需要。   对于游客来说,万万不能错过的是一定要品尝冰岛的各种特色菜,有当日早上捕捞、绝对新鲜甘美的海鲜;高地羊羔肉和各种珍禽野味。纯天然食物可为最识货的您带来最大限度的愉悦。雷克雅未克也因是欧洲最热闹的夜生活场所之一而闻名。气氛融洽友好的酒吧和夜生活场所的活动可持续整整一夜。傍晚时分,市中心地区开始因各种活动而热闹起来,在周五和周六可达到高潮。市中心地段的酒吧、咖啡店、迪斯科舞厅和其他夜生活场所多得令人吃惊。可选择的去处有很多:欧式风格的咖啡店,有现场演出的夜总会,老年人舞厅,设有大屏幕彩电的体育主题酒吧,可品尝到100多种啤酒的咖啡店、爱尔兰酒吧、西班牙咖啡店、法式葡萄酒酒吧……。   雷克雅未克的市中心不大,可徒步环游。市区外任何值得一看的景点都有快速、方便的公共汽车直达。长长的主街,风格随意,大型的购物商场使冰岛的首府成为购物的理想之处(游客购物免税)。不过不要只是留心购买纪念品(以毛制品和手工艺品为特色),要多看看那些价格优惠、时髦而又有设计者标签的商品。   雷克雅未克有各种不同层次的居住条件:设有良好会议设施的国际标准大酒店,各种小型宾馆和舒适友好的客房。当然你还可以在市内最大的公园里选择宿营。
