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  FORMAL FIVE   Michael Jackson, 15, hits Hollywood in 1974, attending the GrammyAwards with his four brothers: (from left) Marlon, Tito, Jackie andRandy. The tuxedo-clad Jackson 5 were up for best R&B group vocal performance for "Dancing Machine."   1974 MJ十五岁,跟着他的四个哥哥们穿着燕尾服出席格莱美颁奖礼,这一年,Jackson 5因单曲跳舞机拿下最佳摇滚组合奖项。   SOLO STAR   With his big screen debut in The Wiz and his groundbreaking album Off the Wall on the horizon, an 18-year-old Jackson makes a solo appearance at the 1977 Grammy Awards。   由于在音乐电影《绿野仙踪》的出色表演和他不落俗套的个人专辑《墙外》。1977年18岁的迈克尔杰克逊独自踏上了格莱美的红地毯。   ‘THRILLER’ NIGHT   With Thriller producer Quincy Jones in 1984, Jackson holds one ofthe record-breaking eight Grammys he won in his signature gloved-hand."It was passion," Jones told PEOPLE of making the album. "Michael sanghis booty off. We'd stay up five days with no sleep because we were soexcited."   1984年,MJ凭专辑《颤栗》斩获八项格莱美大奖,同时他的手套也成为了个人标志。据专辑制作人说:迈克尔唱的是那样投入,又那么震撼,我们五天五夜没睡,音乐是这样让我俩兴奋不能自已。   THREE'S COMPANY   On that victorious night, Jackson made it a triple date, attending a1984 Grammys afterparty with Brooke Shields at his side and Websterstar Emmanuel Lewis in his arms. "Michael is the best friend you couldever have," the TV star told PEOPLE at the time。   在1984年的胜利之夜,迈克尔杰克逊挽着波姬小丝,抱着埃曼纽?刘易斯一起参加了颁奖晚会。事后,这名侏儒演员说迈克尔是世上最好的朋友。如果时间停留在这一刻该多好   KISS UP   After presenting her big brother with the Living Legend Grammy in 1993, Janet gets a sweet kiss from the self-proclaimed King of Pop. In 1996, they'll share a Grammy victory together for their "Scream" music video。   1993年,珍妮特作为授奖嘉宾为兄长迈克尔送上格莱美当代传奇奖时,得到天王侧身一吻,兄妹感情可见一斑。在1996年,两人更是在《尖叫》中合作并共同分享了格莱美最佳音乐录影奖。   ALL HAIL THE KING   Nine years after their first Grammy date, Jackson and good friend Shields reunite for a Grammys afterparty in 1993. "We grew up together," Shields says that year. "He trusts me."   在第一次格莱美约会的九年后,1993年,杰克逊和波姬小丝终于又在颁奖后的宴会上重聚,只可怜这一对不仅聚少散多,就连最基本的隐私都无法保证。 SHAMON!   SHAMON!   Jackson may have left the 1988 Grammys empty-handed, but his performance at the ceremony left even Stevie Wonder in awe. He took the stage with a slowed-down version of "The Way You Make Me Feel," before climaxing with a choir-backed rendition of "Man in the Mirror."   1988年,MJ虽然空手而归,但他用出色的舞台表演征服了在场的所有人。从一曲悠扬版《你给我的感觉》到把现场气氛点燃的《镜中人》,在舞台上,他才是那个热爱音乐的孩子,那个让千万人疯狂的流行音乐之王。   THE GLOVED ONE   Jackson's legacy lives on in his music – he won 13 Grammys! Now, the late pop icon will be awarded a lifetime achievement Grammy and saluted in a 3-D tribute at the show Jan. 31.   虽然已经生死两茫茫,但MJ留给我们的音乐犹存。继他生前获得十三座格莱美奖后,这位流行音乐之王将在明天被追授终生成就奖,还将在他的悼念演出以3D形式重现人间,引人追思。
