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发布时间:2023-12-14 16:53:41 英文翻译 426次 作者:翻译网
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  1. Panzanella Salad   This delicious salad uses tons of summer veggies and bread to create a refreshing summer salad perfect for a picnic!   面包沙拉   这种美味只是用一些夏季青菜和面包切成块就可以做成的清新爽口的沙拉,特别适合郊游野餐时食用。   2. Orzo Salad with Tomatoes, Feta, and Basil Vinaigrette   Who doesn't love fresh basil in the summer? Combine basil with feta and tomato and you've got a winning combination.   用小西红柿,乳酪,和含有罗勒的调味料调制而成的米粒沙拉   夏季谁会不喜欢清新的罗勒呢?把罗勒和乳酪,小西红柿混合在一起,就大功告成了。   3. Summer Green Bean Salad Recipe   Your mouth will be screaming "Summer!" after it tastes the refreshing combination of green beans, tomatoes, and hazelnuts.   夏季四季豆沙拉做法   在吃过把四季豆,小西红柿和榛子仁拌在一起的沙拉,你就要惊呼,多么美好的夏天啊!   4. Barley, Black Bean, and Avocado Salad   大麦粒 黑豆和鳄梨的组合沙拉   Hot or cold, this salad is not only yummy, but healthy too!   不管是冷还是热,这种沙拉不仅美味更加健康。   5. Arugula Corn Salad with Bacon   These bold flavors work together to create a delicious addition to any BBQ.   芝麻菜玉米粒拌培根   这几样味道上乘的美味放在一起创造出一道超级美味的菜,对烧烤派对是种非常不错的选择。   6. Grilled Romaine Salad with Buttermilk-Chive Dressing   If you haven't tried to grill your lettuce yet, you are missing out. Throw your next salad on the barbie and you will be in for a tasty surprise.   烧烤涂过牛奶的生菜   如果你还没有烤过生菜,那你真的是OUT了。把生菜涂上牛奶进行烧烤,你会尝到不可思议的美味。
