If you listen in to a group of single women talking, you might realize that they mostly talk about the men in they meet. What's more, you might realize that they can speak volumes about the things that men do that annoy the heck out of them. These discussions often turn into full no-holds-barred rant sessions that make you feel glad you don't know these women。 要是你听到一群女人聊天,你可能会发觉她们谈论的大多是所遇到的男人们。此外,或许你还会发现她们能头头是道地说出她们最烦男人的各种事情。这些谈论经常变成完全无拘无束的山聊海侃,以至于你暗自庆幸多亏自己不认识这些娘儿们。 But these discussions prove that there are a ton of things about single men that women hate with a passion. Here's some of them. Take a look and see if you're doing something wrong! 但这些谈论证明了一点:单身男人有许多地方太不招女人们待见了。这里列举了一些,请瞄上两眼,看看你是不是有哪些地方做得不对! 1. Sacrificing your status to make her happy 为讨红颜欢心,宁愿牺牲自己的地位 Some men think that if they do everything women want, women would like them more. Big mistake - women hate this kind of behavior. They don't want men who are weak, tentative, and doesn't seem to have his act straight. 有些男人以为只要对女人有求必应,那么女人就会深爱他们。这是个严重的错误——女人讨厌这种行为。她们不喜欢软弱、优柔寡断以及不太直来直去的男人。 2. Being Clingy And Insecure 粘乎乎,不自信 By "clingy," I don't mean physically touchy-feely - although women can be turned off by such behavior. But being psychologically clingy is even worse. You're psychologically clingy when you never leave her side when you're walking around the department store, or when you keep asking if she likes you or if you're her type. This kind of insecurity make women think you're a pest. 这里的粘乎乎并非指身体上的过于卿卿我我——尽管这种行为也有可能不招女人待见。而心理上的粘乎乎则更糟糕。心理上的粘乎乎表现在:当你们逛百货商场时,你寸步不离她左右;或者,你老是问她是否爱你,或问你是不是她想要的那种类型。这种不自信使得女人觉得你很招人烦。 3. Not Leading, Or - Worse - Trying To Get Her To Lead 不去主导,甚或更糟——让她去主导 When you plan to take her out to dinner, but keep asking her whether the time and place is okay for her, then you're giving her the impression that you don't know how to handle a relationship. Women find it wussy, and it annoys the heck out of them. 当你计划带她出去吃晚饭时,却一个劲儿地问她所定的时间和地点对她是否合适,于是你就给她留下了这样一个印象:你不知道如何去处理好一段关系。女人觉得这是懦弱无能的表现,她们非常讨厌这一点。 4. Using Insecure, Approval-Seeking Body Language。 使用不自信、征询许可的身体语言 Have you ever acted polite and formal with a woman on the first date? You may have faked a few smiles and laughed at all her jokes, trying to maker her like you. It may be "nice," but women also think it's "wussy." She may not see it, but trust me when I say that she sees right through you. 在初次约会时,你是否曾对女人既礼貌又拘谨?你可能时不时地堆出虚伪的笑容,听完她说的所有笑话都装着笑出来,以试图让她喜欢上你。也许这看上去和蔼可亲,但女人也会认为这是老实巴交。别以为她可能没看出来,但请相信我,她看透了你。 5. Not Understanding That She's A Woman And You're A Man。 不明白她是女人而你是男人 Women are coy and play hard to get. They enjoy the thrill of "catch me if you can." Men, on the other hand, are competitive and dominant. They play for the win. The problem is that you may not act like a man when you're with her, and women have a word for this: "girly." 女人生性害羞,且爱故作矜持。她们陶醉于如果你有种,那就来追我般的激动。而另一方面,男人则富竞争性和占有欲,他们为获胜而游戏。可问题在于,当你和她在一起的时候,你可能表现得不像个男人,而女人对此有一个词来形容:娘儿们。 6. Being Boring 无聊乏味 This is probably the easiest mistake to make. Women love men who can make them laugh and feel good, but hate men who are all flowers, gifts, and dinners. 这或许是最易范的错误了。女人喜爱能逗她们笑、哄她们开心的男人,但也讨厌一天到晚就只知道鲜花、礼物和共进晚餐的男人。 Now you know what women hate most about single men. Just keep these things in mind and you can turn things around in your dating life. 现在你知道女人最恨单身男人的是哪些事情了,只消牢记在心,你就能在约会期间左右逢源。