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发布时间:2023-12-24 14:30:17 英文翻译 103次 作者:翻译网
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  Ponytails are out but side-partings and Elvis quiffs are in. Not the latest fashion advice from a celebrity magazine, but a list of acceptable male hairstyles issued by the Iranian government。   马尾辫已经过时,偏分头和短发受推崇。不过,这可不是时尚杂志公布的最新男士发型流行趋势,而是伊朗文化部最新推荐的穆斯林男士标准发型。   In an attempt to rid the country of "decadent Western cuts", on July 5, Iran's culture ministry has produced a catalogue of man haircuts that meet government approval. In the list of banned styles are included ponytails, mullets and elaborate spikes。   伊朗伊斯兰共和国文化部7月5日公布了受伊斯兰教法肯定的各种男士发型。在德黑兰举行的一场发型表演会上,官方正式发布了种类繁多,可供男士们挑选的发型,包括适合运动的发型、出席正式场合的发型以及需要发胶打造的各种时尚造型。受到禁止的发型包括马尾辫,长发,大波浪头。   However, quiffs appear to be acceptable. The "journal of Iranian hairstyles approved by the ministry of [culture and Islamic] guidance" was previewed at a government-approved hairdressing show in Tehran。   不过美国摇滚明星猫王那样的卷发不在被禁之列。同时,一本有关伊朗男性发型的摄影目录也已经出版。   "The proposed styles were inspired by Iranians' complexion, culture and religion, and Islamic law," said Jaleh Khodayar, who is in charge of these hairstyles。   负责组织打造这些发型的贾勒赫表示:这些发型是根据伊朗人的肤色、文化传统、宗教习俗,并在遵循伊斯兰教法的前提下制定的。   Several barber shops have reportedly been shut down and penalised in recent years for offering western-style haircuts。   据报道,一些理西式发型的理发店也被勒令关闭并受到处罚。   Iranian police carry out regular morality checks, arresting women in short coats and flimsy headscarves as well as men sporting spiky hair and tight, low-slung jeans. Ties are also viewed with suspicion as a symbol of Western decadence。   伊朗警方有规律地对公民进行道德行为检查。逮捕了那些衣服太短,头纱太薄的妇女和将头发竖起,穿着低腰裤的男性。男性也不能戴领结或领带,因为这也被视为是颓废的西方文化的表现。
