- 1、初三翻译成英文
You see, you have helped make it possible for me to have Lucky ,who has filled my life with pleasure .你知道你已经帮助我使得我能拥有幸运,使我的生命充满了乐趣。
Today,there happened a terrible traffic accident at a crossroad of the center。the victim was a student who had the accident on his way home。An eyewitness told us that the young guy was playing basketball at that moment。
大年初三英语翻译:three days after spring festival。农历正月初三,又称为“猪日”。 自秦汉以来,传统的看法是正月初一日为鸡日,初二日为狗日,初三日为猪日,初四日为羊日,初五日为牛日,初六日为马日,初七日为人日。