A @ at 每 a.a.r against all risks 全险 ac account 帐目 AC account current 往来帐目 acc acceptance;accepted 承兑;已承兑 a.g.b a good brand 任何名牌 ao account of 记入...帐目 a.p. additional premium 附加保险 a.r. all risks 全险 AS;accs account sales 售货清单 av;AV average 平均数 B BB bill book 出纳簿 BD bank draft 银行汇票 bd. bond 债券 bds. boards 董事会 BE bill of exchange 汇票 bk. bank book 帐簿 bkg. banking 银行业 BL bill of lading 提货单 B.P.B bank post bill 银行汇票 BR bank rate 银行贴现率 BR;b.r. bill receivable 应收票据 B.S;b.s. balance sheet 资产负债表 bt bought 购入 C C currency,coupon 现金,息单 CA capital account 资本帐户 CAD cash against document 凭单付款 canclg. cancelling 取消 cat. catalogue 目录 CB cash book 现金簿 CD cash dividend 现金折扣 c.d. cum dividend 付股息报关单 C and D collection and delivery 收款发货 cert. certificate 证明 CF carried forward 转下页 cge. carriage 运费 CH custom house 海关 ch.ppd charges prepaid 预付费 cl certificate insurance 保险证明书 c&l cost and insurance 保险费在内价 CIF cost,insurance and freight 到岸价格 CO cash order 现金汇票 C.O.t. change over to 转入 COD cash on delivery 货到付款 com. commercialcommission 商业;佣金 cont. contract 合同 cr. credit 货方 ctge cartage 车费 cur. current 本月;现付 CWO cash with order 订货即付款 cy. currency 货币 D DC. deviation 贴现 dd. delivered 交付 de. deferred 延期 deg. degree 等级 dft. draft 汇票 div dividend;division 红利;部门 DN debit note 欠单;借项清单 dols. dollars 美元 DP documents against payment 付款交单 dr. debtor drawer 债务人,借方 d.r. dock receipt 存款收条 DW deposit warrant 码头仓单 dely. delivery 交付 E ea. each 每 e.d. ex dividend 股息除外 eq. equivalent 等值 exd. examined 已检查 exs. expenses 费用 F f.i.t. free of income tax 免所得税 FOB free on board 离岸价格 FO for order 准备出售 f.p;FP fully paid 付讫 frt. freight 运费 G grs.wt gross weight 毛重 g.t.c. good till cancelled 未注销前有效 H-Z 1 H Hp horse power 马力 h.p.n. horse power nominal 标称马力 I IB invoice book 发票簿 ib ibidem(in the same place) 同前;出处同上 id idem(the same) 同上 i.e. id est(that is) 即,就是 IL import licence 进口许可证 int. interest 利息 inv. invoice 发票 IOU I owe you 借据,欠条 J JA joint account 共同帐户 L LC letter of credit 信用证 led. ledger 总帐簿 LIP life insurance policy 人寿保险单 LS locus sigil(place of seal) 盖印处 M MA my account 本人帐户 MC marginal credit 限界信贷 MD memorandum of deposit 存款单 min minimum,minute 最低额;分钟 mks. marks 商标 Mo money order 邮汇 mos. months 月 N NE;ne no effects 无存款 ND no dated 未注明日期 nf.n.f no funds 无款 NM no mark 无商标;无标志 NP notary public 公证人 O OA on account of 因为 od on demand 见票即付 P PA private account 私人帐户 PC price current 时价表 pc. prices;piece 价格;个 p.c.b petty cash book 零用现金簿 pkg. package 包裹 PN promissory note 期票 PO postal order 汇票 POB post office box 邮政信箱 ppd. prepaid 预付 pref. preference or preferred 优先 prox. proximo(of the next month) 下月(拉) P.T.O. please turn over 转下页 Q q.v. quod vide(which see) 请查阅 q.y. query 查核 R RD refer to drawer(banking) 请与出票接洽 re. with referece to 关于 recd. received 收到 r.i. reinsurance 再保险 r.l receipt for a loan 借据;欠条 RSVP reply please 候复 sect. section 部分 sgd signed 已签署 shr. share 股份 std. standard 标准,本价 stk. stock 存货,股票 T TMO telegraph 电汇票 TT;TT telegraphic transfers 电汇汇票