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myfriend的英文翻译,my friend英文翻译

发布时间:2024-01-31 08:37:28 英文翻译 0次 作者:翻译网


my friend需要用动词三单形式吗?

my friend需要用动词三单形式的,详解如下。

myfriend的英文翻译,my friend英文翻译

第三人称单数是语言中对对话双方外其它某一个人指示时使用的代词。(简称三单) 第三人称是相对于对话时,某一句话中,言语发出方( 第一人称)和言语的听受方( 第二人称)以外的其它人称。单数是指该句中提到的其它人是一个人,相对于两个人或更多人( 复数)。如汉语中的“ 他”“ 她”“ 它”,英语中的he\she\it\him\her。 在英语教学中,第三人称单数除了指英语中这一套代词外,也指这一套代词的相关语法。


他是我的好朋友 [网络] He is my good friend; He is my friend; [例句]他是我的好朋友,我和他久别重逢甚为高兴。I feel very happy about my reunion with him after so long because he is my good friend.



Hello, Let me introduce my best friend Vicky.   

She is a college student  and will graduate next year.

She is from beautiful Shanghai and we were good friends in the middle school.

She speaks English very well and the food she cooks is delicious.

She came here to visit her father's old friend.

Kerry is my best friend.Shi is a girl.She is ten years old.She likes singing,playing football,she likes dancing too.We go to school together everyday.


My friend is very humorous.我的朋友很幽默风趣。

My friend is the same age as me.我的朋友跟我一样的年龄。

My friend is thin, tall and handsome.我的朋友瘦瘦高高的,长相很帅气。

My friend is very outgoing and has the same personality as me.我的朋友性格很外向,跟我是一样的性格。

My friend is much better than me in grades.我的朋友在成绩方面比我好很多。

He is all right,my friend。He is the first one who can hear me carefully and touch my heart,as well as gives me so many good points。

His hug is so soft and sweet,it makes me feel unreal, but so real。
