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永恒的爱 英语翻译(永恒的爱英文版)

发布时间:2023-12-25 15:27:38 英文翻译 476次 作者:翻译网
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  Eternal Love   (A man facing death leaves this for his wife)   Your love is priceless, that is the best part of you that nothing could buy, or replace.   I recall that look in your eyes, when I stood there saying, dancing now or never,and I knew then you had a love that would last forever...all I had to do was find it, and tell you it would be ok.   It was, and is...and while I can never put into words what that meant to me, know that it was returned, with a little interest thrown in.   Maybe we could have done better, in areas of worldly things; but never consider for a moment that I have any regrets, or would do anything different where it comes to you.   Know too that I will miss you, as you miss me...and be waiting for you do join me; until then, eternal loved will never let us part, and when I see you again, try to have the same look in your eyes...but wipe that smirk off, please...I never did believe it, oh silly me.   永恒的爱来源:考试大的美女编辑们   (一位男子在病危之际留给妻子的感言)   你给我的无价之爱,是你身上最美丽的部分,无可替代,无法衡量。   我犹记得,我站在那里说一起来跳舞吧时你的眼神。我知道,你对我的爱是永无止境的,而我要做的就是,发掘它,并且让你安心于它的存在。   爱,过去存在,现在亦如是。即使我无法用语言形容它的意义所在,但我知道当它再次降临时,我会用心去体会。   也许,我们能在柴米油盐的世界里做得更好些。但我从未后悔过,从未后悔你的丘比特之箭射中了我。   我知道,我会想念你,就如你想念我一般。我会等着你,等着你的到来,和我在一起。那时,永恒的爱将不会让我们分开。当我再次见到你时,我眼中会盈满你当时的目光。。。。。。但是,请别再强作笑颜。。。。。。我不会相信,哦,这就是笨笨的我。

永恒的爱 英语翻译(永恒的爱英文版)