抽水马桶 发明(抽水马桶发明人)
For centuries, the great British loo (british expression for toilet) has been a matter of envy to the rest of the world. Thanks to the efforts of pioneers like the legendary Thomas Crapper, they have long since led the world in comfort and hygiene. Now, however, that could be about to change. According to Daily Mail on July 14, from next week, shoppers in Rochdale in the Greater Manchester town who push open the cubicle door expecting the reassuring sight of a modern, clean lavatory could instead be faced with little more than a hole in the ground. Bosses of the Greater Manchester town's Exchange mall said he got the idea after attending a cultural awareness course run by a local Muslim community activist. With one in ten of Rochdale's population of Pakistani or Bangladeshi origin, center managers say they have been told some members of the local Asian community prefer them for cultural reasons. News of the introduction of squat toilets was met by disbelief of the local inhabitants, however, "It's absolutely ludicrous - Thomas Crapper would be turning in his grave! We in Britain are rightly proud of our toilets, and the onus is on people who come to this country to appreciate them for what they are," a resident said. 几个世纪以来,对于英国人而言,厕所文化是英国文化优越性的体现之一,该国管道工人托马斯·克拉普尔发明的坐式抽水马桶风靡全球就是一个例证。长期以来,英国在舒适和卫生领域走在世界前列。但是现在这种局面要发生改变了。 英国《每日邮报》14日报道,位于曼彻斯特市的洛奇代尔镇(著名商业城)准备从下周起为主要的购物中心换蹲式便池,取代清一色的坐式马桶。购物中心老板称,这个想法源自穆斯林社区组织的文化认同课程。 该课程负责人表示,平均每十个洛奇代尔镇人,就有一个来自巴基斯坦或孟加拉国,因文化差异,无法习惯英国的坐式马桶。 对于便池的改变,当地居民表示非常不理解,一位居民称:这样的变化得让墓中的托马斯·克拉普尔跳起来。英国人为自己的厕所文化而骄傲,那些来到英国的人应该适应,而不是让我们为他们改变。