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发布时间:2024-01-18 18:21:00 翻译公司 350次 作者:翻译网
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串门的不同说法 1. drop in (相信朋友们上学的时候学的都是这样的表达,考级书、辞典里也有这种解释。) Do drop in if you happen to be passing! 路过的时候一定要进来坐坐啊! 2. stop by (这也是比较常见的用法,通常用翻译软件来翻译也喜欢用这个词组。) She stopped by my place the other day. 几天前她顺便来我家坐了一会儿。 3. drop around/round I'll drop around later when I'm free. 我有空会再来的。 4. Come round Come round any evening. 晚上有空来串门。 5. drop (相当得简明扼要。) Drop if you're free. 有空来串门。 6. fall in upon They would just fall in upon us for a chat at any odd moment. 他们有空就过来串门聊天。 7. go round to Let's go round to Neville's house this evening. 咱们今天晚上去内维尔家串门吧。 8. blow round /around (形象生动的表达方法。) Why don't you blow round next Saturday evening? 你下星期六晚上来串门好不? 9. call in Please call in at five. 请在五点钟的时候来访。 10. come by Come by anytime. 随时来串门啊。
