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发布时间:2024-01-15 16:10:51 笔译 147次 作者:翻译网
hu666888*** 次数AAAA不足,请联系开发者***

  遇到有人在路边倒下或是家里有人晕倒这样的紧急情况,我们一般人想到的就是拨打急救电话,不过如何能在救护车到达前的时间里做好合适的处理呢?了解一些急救措施绝对会在生活中发挥作用的哟。   Knowing a little first-aid could be life-saving if you see someone lying unconscious。   如果你看见有人晕倒,而你又了解一些急救措施,那很可能会挽救一条生命。   Too often people don't do anything because they think they will kill the patient, but by learning simple rules you could make the difference between life and death。   通常人们都是什么都不做,因为他们认为自己的做法可能会害死病人。但是学习些简单的措施你就可能救死扶伤了。   First, you need to find out if they're unconscious, asleep or drunk, by squeezing the skin between their neck and shoulder and shouting。   首先,你需要通过挤压他们脖子和肩膀之间的皮肤,并大声呼喊来确定他们是无意识了,还是睡着了或者喝醉了。   If there is no response at all, you need to establish if they are dead or just unconscious - sometimes it's very difficult to tell the difference。   如果没有回应的话,你需要确定他们是死了还是仅仅是晕过去了,虽然有时是很难分辨清楚。   Open the airway by placing one hand on their forehead and gently tilting the head back while lifting the chin。   把一只手放在他们的前额慢慢的把头向后倾,同时抬高下颚以确保呼吸顺畅。   If there are no signs of life - no obvious pulse and their chest is not going up and down - call an ambulance and then start cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to maintain a flow of oxygenated blood to the brain and heart。   如果没有明显的脉搏和心脏跳动,那就是没有生命迹象了。此时要立刻叫救护车并开始心脏救援以保持充了氧气的血液在大脑和心脏之间流通。   Do this by pushing up and down on the centre of the chest, with your hands interlocked together, constantly until an ambulance arrives。   把你的手交叉相扣,按住胸腔中心部分上上下下的不停的按,直到救护车到达。   Push at a rate of 100 beats a minute。You can't harm them doing this and might just save a life。   保持一分钟一百次的频率。你这样做不会伤害到他们,但却能挽救一条生命。
