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发布时间:2023-12-09 10:34:54 笔译 688次 作者:翻译网
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  According to Daily Mail July 8, a man had a lucky escape from a dangerous game of cat and mouse with a giant Bengal white tiger at a wildlife park in Arizona, US. Jeff Harwell participates as the prey during a daily routine with the cats, where they chase an inflatable toy being held by him. The tigers are usually busy capturing and popping the toy and do not harm the park workers. But this time Harwell slipped over on the wet grass - and found himself between the two-year-old white tiger called Chalet and his inflatable toy。   据英国《每日邮报》7月8日报道,在美国亚利桑那州的一家野生动物园内,一工作人员与一只孟加拉白虎上演了一场惊险的猫捉老鼠表演,所幸最后终于虎口脱险。据悉,杰夫-哈维尔像往常一样拿着充气玩具充当猎物,让老虎们追赶着玩。通常它们都忙于抓捕和撕裂这些玩具而不会伤害人类,然而这次哈维尔在不慎滑到后发现,一只两岁大的白虎正对他虎视眈眈,而非那个玩具。 哈维立即用手中的那个充气虎鲸来转移白虎的注意力   The quick-thinking Harwell immediately tries to distract the tiger with the inflatable killer whale they were using for the game。   哈维尔反应很快,立即用手中的那个充气虎鲸来转移白虎的注意力。   The tiger's attention is diverted as the killer whale sails over his head。   当看到哈维尔头顶的虎鲸时,白虎终于转移了注意力。 白虎终于转移了注意力,哈维尔连滚带爬地转移到白虎脚边,准备伺机逃跑   The tiger reaches out a lethal paw to claw the toy as Harwell quickly rolls to his feet, ready to flee if necessary   白虎伸出威力巨大的爪子去抓玩具,哈维尔慌忙连滚带爬地转移到白虎脚边,准备伺机逃跑。 白虎成功转移目标,哈维尔虎口脱险   With the tiger safely distracted by the toy, Harwell has had a lucky escape - unlike the killer whale。   白虎成功转移目标,哈维尔虎口脱险,而那只充气虎鲸可就没那么幸运了。
