Thousands of music lovers at Glastonbury Festival today joined forces to watch England's World Cup humiliating 4-1 defeat against Germany. 在今天格拉斯顿伯里音乐节上,数千名音乐爱好者目睹了世界杯英格兰队以1比4的耻辱比分被德国队淘汰。 But for those who were more interested in music than football, there was an alternative form of entertainment over on the Pyramid Stage - in the form of Guns n'Roses guitarist Slash. 但是对像枪炮玫瑰吉他手Slash那样爱音乐更甚于足球的人来说,他们更享受在金字塔型舞台上的快乐。 The 44-year-old musician, who wore a top hat, black and red trousers and a white T-shirt, got the crowds going as he performed alongside Myles Kennedy. 这位44岁的老音乐家,戴了个高高的帽子,穿着黑红相间的裤子和一件白体恤,他和迈尔斯-肯尼迪联手表演,把现场气氛带到高潮。 One festival-goer explained: 'I came here to see bands, that's why you go to Glastonbury. It's not that I'm not interested in football, but I came here for the music.' 一位来庆祝音乐节的观众说:我是来看乐队的,这是来格拉斯顿伯里的主要原因。这并不表示我不喜欢足球,但我更主要是为了音乐而来。 However, that was not the mentality of every Glastonbury-goer, as many opted to watch the World Cup match on giant screens that had been specially set up for the occasion in two designated fields. 但这种想法并不能代表所有来参加节日的人。主办方在音乐节现场特意设置了两个位置摆放大屏幕,方便大家观看世界杯的比赛。 And while England's defeat left many people upset and withdrawn, thoughts of football were quickly pushed to the back of their minds with a nighttime lineup which included Faithless and headliner Stevie Wonder. 而当英格兰的失败让人们失望和灰心时,一群明星包括Faithless和Stevie Wonder的表演让大家把对足球的懊恼迅速抛到脑后了。