据《今日美国》报道,袁庆鹏(音译)表示, 那些在经济改革中发迹的富人们变得忧心忡忡,他们担心自家从小娇生惯养的儿女无法守住家业。 According to USA Today, Yuan Qingpeng said the Chinese who have become rich under the economic reform movement in China are worried. They're worried their spoiled kids won't know how to hang on to the loot. 这些白手起家的先行者们改变了中国曾经一度走下坡路的商业。谈到这些开拓者的子女们,袁庆鹏说:他们吃苦耐劳的精神以及实践能力远不如上辈。 "Their ability to endure hardship and put things into practice is less than the first generation," Yuan says of the children of the rags-to-riches pioneers who have transformed China's once-moribund business landscape. 而他在北京开设管理研究院的目的正是基于此。 That's where his Beijing Business Management Scientific Research Institute comes in. 作为富二代培训机构之一,该机构旨在以授课的形式训练这些超级富豪的继承者。 The institute is among several that offer training courses to groom heirs of the super-rich, known here as the "wealthy second generation," in the ways of their class. 1月份,在富裕的广东省开展了一项企业家调查。结果显示,62%的人担心自己孩子无力接手家业。 A January survey of entrepreneurs in wealthy Guangdong Province revealed 62 percent most worried about their heirs' ability to take over. 这种忧虑恰恰给予某些机构提供了商机,于是包括袁庆鹏在内的一些人士纷纷开办针对富二代的培训项目。 Cashing in on such fears, entrepreneurs such as Yuan are expanding programs to train the twentysomethings abbreviated here as "Rich2G." 开设该课程的机构包括像北大、清华这样的知名院校,以及一些私人咨询公司。 Courses are offered by prestigious universities such as Peking and Tsinghua, and private consultancies. 中国的贫富差距不断加大,这使得富家子弟的形象问题备受关注。近来一些关于培训富二代的报道同样招致中国媒体的口诛笔伐。去年媒体曾曝光过一些富二代酒后飙车致使路人死亡的事件。 China's rich kids have an image problem in a nation riven by a growing gap between rich and poor. Recent reports on the training of wealthy heirs have excited plenty of critical comments in Chinese media, which last year highlighted the cases of some Rich2G whose love of the fast lane caused deaths by drunken driving in expensive cars. 《中国新贵》一书的作者大卫·古德曼说:尽管人们喜欢从电视、书本上获知名人、富人的生活方式,但他们鄙视这些有钱人。他表示,富二代培训课程的火暴也显示出商人们渴望得到尊敬、渴望人们认可其社会地位的心态。 "While people like reading or watching TV about the lives of the rich and famous, they look down on people who have made money," says David Goodman, the author of The New Rich in China. The boom in training courses shows that entrepreneurs "are desperate for respectability, desperate ... for people to recognize their social status," he says. 某商学院国际贸易专业讲师布里顿·纽曼说,西方有一代创业、二代兴业、三代败业这样的说法,他表示:而在中国,到了第二代家业就已经难保了。 In the West, there's a saying that the first generation builds the business, the second makes it a success, and the third wrecks it, says Briton Alex Newman, a lecturer in international business at a business school. "In China, it's happening in the second generation," Newman says. 但纽曼也表示富二代中尚有不少成功范例。他说:他们非常好学,为家族事业努力打拼。也有调查显示,不少富二代并不愿接手家族生意,而选择自己创业。 But there are also plenty of success stories, he says. "Many of them are very studious, working hard for their family business," Newman says. "Surveys indicate many are reluctant to take over, preferring to start their own companies," something Newman advocates. 身为富二代至少还有一点可以聊以自慰:大多数年轻女性更愿意嫁给有钱人的后代。 The male Rich2Gers enjoy at least one consolation: A majority of women prefer to marry a wealthy heir.